If you’re like me, in these strange and troubled times, there are moments in your day when the feelings of anxiety and stress peak. This happens to me around 4 a.m. – I wake up and can’t go back to sleep.
To cope and feel a bit better, for the past few days, I have been crocheting motifs in the early mornings. One day, if I come up with something interesting enough, I will show you the result of these experiences at the break of day.
But right now, I’d love to share the first motif designed for my 2016 Advent Calendar. At the time, the instructions were distilled over several days on my blog. To facilitate things, I have made a recap pdf that you can download here:
My ideas for this motif can be found here.
And all the lovely interpretations are here!
How about you? What kinds of motifs do you like to make? And how do you use them? Do you make blankets, scarves or something else?
I’m experimenting with turning motifs into garments for my granddaughter.
That’s very interesting! I think the smaller the motif, the easier to obtain a garment shape. But the more you have to make!